ZMO News

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Thursday, October 27th, 2016, 6 pm, ZMO
At the Centre of the World? A Spatial Approach to the Hajj Pilgrimage
Start of the Colloquium for the academic year 2016-17, organized by BGSMCS, IAAW and ZMO

Addressing such topics as state policy, ritual practice, identity discourse, biography, technology, and emotion, the Colloquium seeks to explore how »hajj spaces« are produced, transformed or appropriated by various actors, on different epistemic scales; i.e. trans-/local, trans-/national, trans-/regional, and global, and in different time periods. Concrete questions may include the following: How were space and place socio-historically transformed in relation to the hajj? What are the technologies for producing »hajj spaces and places« and how have these technologies been changed through time and space? How does the hajj pilgrim- age facilitate physical or virtual encounters with the »Muslim Other«? And how do »religious spaces« interact with »secular« ones, and how or what turns the hajj pilgrimage into »gendered« spaces?

The Colloquium comprises six sessions, each conceived under a certain topic as a double lecture and a following moderated discussion.


Thursday, Ocotber 6th, 2016, Kunstraum Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Gangaram Gurung - Begegnungen eines Inders in Europa (1914-1918)
Panel discussion with ZMO fellow Heike Liebau in the framework of the exhibition Digging Deep, Crossing Far, 3rd Encounter: Berlin

ZMO fellow Heike Liebau and artist Sonya Schönberger discuss their joint tracking of the Indian soldier and artist Gangaram Gurung. Gurung was taken prisoner during the First World War and stayed four years in the so called "Halbmondlager", a prisoner of war camp in Wünsdorf (now part of Zossen), erected by German authorities for Muslim prisoners who had fought for the Allied side.

The event takes place in German. Whispered translation into English on request.

Thursday, October 27th, 2016, 6 pm, ZMO
First Session of the Colloquium At the Centre of the World? A Spatial Approach to the Hajj Pilgrimage

In this session Prof Dr Baz Lecocq (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) will talk on "Planes, Prayers and Practicalities: Transport and the Trans-formations in the Pilgrims’ Journey to Mecca", while Prof Dr Eric Tagliacozzo (Cornell University) will talk on "Remem-bering Devotion: Oral History and the Pilgrimage to Mecca from Southeast Asia".

The session is moderated by ZMO director Ulrike Freitag.

Tenders & Calls

Leibniz Fellowships “Historical Authenticity”
One to three‐month fellowships of the Leibniz Research Alliance Historical Authenticity, Closing Date: 15 November 2016

The work of the Leibniz Research Alliance Historical Authenticity is based on the observation that society’s engagement with the past is increasingly determined by a striving for historical authenticity. The value placed on "tradition", "contemporary witnesses", "authentic locations" and "authentic objects" reflects a new desire for historical experience. These subject‐ and object‐related claims of authenticity are accompanied by a desire for things regarded as "genuine", with a wish to reconstruct or preserve the "true" and "original"...

Call for Papers: Appropriations, Representations, Productions: En gagements with ‘Nature’ in the MENA region from the 19th century till today
International conference hosted at ZMO (25-26 January 2016)

In the MENA region, human engagements with and appropriations of ‘nature’ date back millen-nia. More recently, fundamental socio-environmental transformations under the auspices of capitalism and increasing economic entanglements since the 19th century, and successive waves of neoliberal reform since the 1980s have profoundly restructured rural and urban envi-ronments in the region (cf. Mikhail 2012; Davis/Burke 2011; see also Mitchell 2003; Ger-tel/Sippel 2014; Bush/Ayeb 2012; Elyachar 2007). But research on environmental transfor-mations and their repercussions in the MENA is still scarce compared to other regions of the Global South...

New Publications

Ulrike Freitag
Urban life in late Ottoman, Hashemite and early Saudi Jeddah, as documented in the photographs in the Snouck Hurgronje collection in Leiden


ZMO Working Paper No. 16, 2016, 12p.

Nora Lafi
Cités Barbaresques

In Dictionnaire de la Méditerranée, ed. by Dionigi Albera, Maryline Crivello and Mohamed Tozzi, 66, 33-34, 2016, Actes Sud, 2016, 589p., pp. 249-254.

Nushin Atmaca
Der Islam und seine Ausprägungen im Mittleren Osten

In Wegweiser zur Geschichte: Irak und Syrien, Schöningh Verlag, 2016, pp. 117-126.

Who's talking? - ZMO in the Media

With Katharina Lange
Was Sie jetzt zum Syrien-Krieg wissen müssen xxx xx x

Katharina Lange comments on the desolate situation in Syria in the shadow of the end of the ceasefire talks between the US and Russia, Rheinische Post, October 4, 2016.

With Heike Liebau
„Wir haben noch immer einen eurozentrischen Blick“ xx xx x

Jonas Huggins on the opening of the exhibition "Lives from a Global Conflict. Cultural Entanglements during the First World War", campus.leben, September 29, 2016.

With Abdoulaye Sounaye and André Chappatte
Islam, Urban Life and the Production of (Moral) Norms

Report on the conference "Islam, Urban Life and the Production of (Moral) Norms" by co-convener Saskia Schäfer, H-Soz-Kult, September 19, 2016.

With Regina Sarreiter
„Die Vermessung des Unmenschen“

Regina Sarreiter as part of the FU research group "Anthropologie globaler Ungleichheiten" on the exhibition "Die Vermessung des Unmenschen: Zur Ästhetik des Rassismus", Medizinethnologie, September 14, 2016.

Sonja Hegasy
Hybris des Westens

Sonja Hegasy on the loss of trust experienced in the Middle East for different European countries calling for more "constitutionality" in the region, Süddeutsche Zeitung, September 9, 2016.

With Heike Liebau
Interkulturelle Begegnungen im Ersten Weltkrieg

Heike Liebau in interview on the exhibition "Lives from a Global Conflict. Cultural Entanglements during the First World War", rbb Kulturradio, September 6, 2016.

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